Special Education Pricing
cuboro & cugolino has been incorporated in educational programs around the world – from special needs to talented education.
Our education pricing is a great way for schools, pre-schools and kindergartens to purchase cuboro & cugolino product with a special 5% discount.
We offer special Educational Discounts for School/Preschool and Kindergarten.
If you would like a place an order on behalf of a school, preschool or kindergarten, please contact us.
Those eligible to purchase with our special education pricing are as follows:
- teacher or administrative staff working at an registered school, preschool or kindergarten within Australia.
- products purchased must be for education, or research use.
We may require evidence of your eligibility. We reserve the right to cancel some of or part of your order if we become aware that you are not a teacher or administrative staff as set out above or if your purchases are not for education, or research use. If we cancel your order in these circumstances, we will inform you in writing and refund any money that you may have paid.